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7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact

Accredit your Social Impact Methodology

Accrediting your Social Value Methodology with the Institute of Social Value can provide validation and recognition for your organisation's commitment to creating positive social impact.

This accreditation can help showcase your organisation's transparency, accountability, and ethical values, which can lead to enhanced reputation, increased trust and improved relationships with stakeholders.

What does success look like?

  1. Enhanced reputation as a socially responsible organisation that creates positive social impact.

  2. Increased trust and credibility from stakeholders, such as customers, investors, partners, and employees.

  3. Improved understanding and communication of your organisation's Social Value Methodology and how it creates positive social impact.

  4. Enhanced knowledge and skills of your team in creating and measuring social value.

  5. Increased confidence in your organisation's commitment to social responsibility and creating positive social impact.

How would Offploy do it?

  • Familiarise your team with The Institute for Social Value / Social Value UK's accreditation criteria, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for successful accreditation.

  • Review and refine your existing Social Value Methodology, aligning it with best practices and Social Value UK's standards. See: Standards and Guidance - Social Value UK

  • Collect and document evidence of your organisation's social impact, showcasing transparency, accountability, and ethical values in your methodology.

  • Involve your team in the accreditation process, providing training and support to enhance their knowledge and skills in creating and measuring social value. See: Assurance & Accreditation | Social Value UK

  • Upon successful accreditation, promote your achievement through marketing and communication channels, reinforcing your organisation's commitment to social responsibility and positive social impact.

Examples in Practice

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