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Employing With Conviction Guide

From getting the culture right to managing risk and measuring your impact, here's our definitive guide when it comes to safely and fairly hiring people with convictions.


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Two people shaking hands

What You'll Find in the Guide

This is your roadmap to creating a fairer, more inclusive workplace. Whether you're just starting your journey into inclusive hiring or looking to expand on your current practices, the Employing With Conviction guide is packed with actionable insights to help you succeed. It includes:

Step-by-step strategies for inclusive hiring

Actionable templates for recruitment and onboarding

Proven techniques for managing risk and tracking success

Tips for promoting a culture of trust and inclusivity

High Fives

1. Getting the Culture Right

Learn how to build a workplace culture that values inclusivity and fairness.


4. Marketing Your Vacancies

Strategically promote your roles to attract the right talent.

Countertop Measurement

7. Measuring Your Impact

Track your progress and measure the positive impact on your business


2. Recruitment Strategies

Develop policies that ensure a smooth and fair recruitment process.


5. Interviews and Disclosure

Master effective interview techniques and navigate disclosure conversations


3. Risk Management

Assess potential risk around recruitment, disclosure and crisis management.

Working on Laptop

6. Onboarding and Support

Provide meaningful onboarding and ongoing support to foster success

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Join the Movement

We're proud to have worked with organisations across the country to help promote fairer and more inclusive workspaces. You may have seen us on:

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