Everyone deserves another chance
I know firsthand, as I was sentenced to 28 months in prison. I came from a good home, the son of two police officers, and had all the opportunities to make the right decisions. But I found myself in debt, and made a bad choice during a tough time in my life. I started Offploy with the passionate belief that we all deserve another chance to shape our futures, rewrite our stories, and find redemption.
- Jacob, Founder

Engagement Rate
Completion Rate
Net Promoter Score
Make a Referral
Select your area from the tabs below, if you're not sure please reach out to Bhav
West Yorks, Derbyshire & Nottingham
In your area we have two programmes
Peer Mentoring
12 hours of support for up to 6 weeks delivered by a mentor with lived experience. We will support with:
Understanding when a conviction becomes "spent"
How to prepare a CV if you have a conviction
How to disclose these offences to a potential employer
Support to search, prepare and apply for jobs
Disclosure Support
4 hours of support for participants who require specialist support relating to disclosure of their conviction(s).
Calculate when/if conviction(s) become spent
Clarify any restrictions, including liaising with Probation
Establish barriers and recommend appropriate support
Work on a disclosure statement and disclosing a conviction
Free Webinar for Frontline Advisors
How to identify, support and advocate for participants with convictions
Identify, Support & Advocate
Kick back and relax while Offploy's Founder, Jacob, and Training & Advocacy Manager, Rik, present all there is to know about identifying, supporting and advocating for people with convictions that you support.
Downloads & Resources
Our free downloadable guides and resources are designed to equip frontline advisors with essential information to help individuals with convictions secure and sustain employment.