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7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact

Add appropriate conviction questions into your EDI survey

Incorporate relevant conviction questions into your existing EDI surveys, fostering a culture of acceptance within your organisation and potentially enhancing your standing as an inclusive employer generating social value.

What does success look like?

  1. Enhanced understanding of organisation's makeup

  2. Improved inclusiveness and culture of acceptance

  3. Increased potential for future bids as an inclusive employer.

How would Offploy do it?

  • Review your existing EDI survey, identifying areas where conviction-related questions can be seamlessly integrated while respecting privacy and confidentiality. Your EDI survey will go to all staff rather than just known ex-offenders so consider the importance of anonymity if you hope to capture useful info from people who are not know to have a past conviction.

  • Develop carefully-worded conviction questions, focusing on the relevance to the survey objectives and avoiding any potential stigmatisation or discrimination. Remember that not all employees with past convictions will have disclosed to you, either because you didn’t need to ask or because their convictions are spent. There is a lot of useful advice on framing EDI questions from reputable sites such as Equality, diversity and inclusion in the Workplace | Factsheets | CIPD and Diversity and Inclusion Survey Questions To Improve D&I at Work ( You can use these and weave in questions which target the experiences of people with convictions.

  • Test the updated EDI survey internally, gathering feedback from team members to ensure clarity, relevance, and sensitivity of the new conviction questions. You may wish to run the survey past your Inclusion Champion and a few colleagues who have already disclosed their conviction to you. If you have a trusted third party ex-offender specialist organisation, their input will be valuable.

  • Implement the revised EDI survey across your organisation, communicating the purpose and benefits of the changes to foster a culture of acceptance and inclusiveness. Consider how often you can usefully conduct the survey and analyse the results. Annually or every other year should be sufficient unless you have a big influx of new staff or you acquire another organisation.

  • Analyse the survey results, using the insights to inform organisational strategies, enhance your reputation as an inclusive employer, and strengthen your position in future bids. Consider publishing the results internally to colleagues or even externally if there are some strong successes you wish to promote.

Examples in Practice

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