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7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact

Support stakeholders in embracing your mission

Influence and encourage stakeholders to adopt a similar approach to hiring people with convictions by showcasing your work, hosting webinars, and evaluating the social value added in your procurement process.

What does success look like?

  1. Increased stakeholder openness to hiring socially excluded individuals

  2. Enhanced engagement and communication with stakeholders

  3. A more inclusive procurement process.

How would Offploy do it?

  • Develop a clear mission statement showcasing commitment to hiring people with convictions. This may be shared with your stakeholders and partners for their own adoption and use. See: Define a website and job advert statement on recruiting people with convictions

  • Share success stories from past recruitment campaigns. As part of your building of a bank of case studies of ex-offender success stories you will have some examples that may inspire others to follow your lead. See: Create a bank of case studies of existing colleagues with convictions

  • Review procurement processes to ensure fairness and inclusivity. When you are procuring services from others you may have the opportunity to include a condition around their recruitment policies and processes, as well as promoting your own. Peer pressure is likely to be more effective in changing resistance to hiring ex-offenders than any amount of campaign group pressure.

  • Ensure resource banks are available offering practical assistance and knowledge. As you progress in your experience of hiring ex-offenders and revising and updating your policies you will hold a body of resources which may be useful to your stakeholders and partners. Consider how you might make these available for sharing in order to spread the good practice you have embraced.

Examples in Practice

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