7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact
Support your Business Development function to leverage this opportunity
Enhance your business development efforts by effectively communicating your commitment to social value and working with socially excluded individuals, particularly in government and public sector contracts.
What does success look like?
Improved bid and proposal content
Increased success in securing commissioning, funding, or business
Demonstrated commitment to social value and societal improvement.
How would Offploy do it?
Incorporate social value narratives in bids and proposals, highlighting your commitment to hiring people with convictions and its impact on society. We know that every person diverted from re-offending saves society large sums of money and hugely benefits that individual, their family and local community. See: Economic and social costs of reoffending - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Develop targeted marketing strategies for government and public sector contracts, emphasising your organisation's social responsibility and inclusive hiring practices. Most government contracts now require a statement around your social value and inclusion policies and practices, so hiring ex-offenders could actually help you win more contracts. See: Social value – achieving community benefits | Local Government Association.
Engage in regular training for your business development team, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to communicate your social value commitment effectively.
Monitor and track your organisation's social value impact, using metrics and case studies to showcase your success in supporting socially excluded individuals. This information will be key to being able to cite specifics when bidding for government contracts. See: Social value – achieving community benefits | Local Government Association. and Create a bank of case studies of existing colleagues with convictionsÂ
Build strategic partnerships with relevant organisations and networks, fostering collaboration and strengthening your organisation's reputation for societal improvement.
Examples in Practice
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We're still putting the finishing touches on our new Employing With Conviction Guide.