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7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact

Train your team to consistently and sensitively gather case studies in a non-tokenistic way

Training your team to consistently and sensitively gather case studies in a non-tokenistic way can be an effective way to showcase the impact of your work and the experiences of the people you serve.

This approach can help humanise your organisation's work and build empathy with your stakeholders, while avoiding tokenistic approaches that can be harmful and disrespectful.

What does success look like?

  1. Enhanced reputation and credibility as an organisation that is committed to non-tokenistic approaches to case studies

  2. Increased trust and empathy with stakeholders, such as customers, investors, partners, and employees

  3. Improved understanding and communication of the impact of your organisation's work on individuals and communities

  4. Enhanced ability to showcase your organisation's impact and outcomes through case studies that are respectful, impactful, and non-tokenistic

  5. Increased effectiveness of your work in supporting individuals and communities, and the ability to continuously learn, grow, and improve based on the feedback received

How would Offploy do it?

  • Understand the principles of non-tokenistic case studies and why they are important. See: What is Tokenism? | How does tokenism affect the workplace (

  • Develop a framework for collecting case studies, including the key questions and criteria to be considered.

  • Train your team on the principles and framework for non-tokenistic case studies, including the importance of avoiding tokenistic approaches. See: Facilitating non-tokenistic user involvement in research | Research Involvement and Engagement | Full Text (

  • Sensitively engage with individuals and seek their informed consent to participate in the case study.

  • Collect relevant information about the individual's experience, including their background, challenges they faced, and how your organisation supported them.

  • Draft the case study in a way that is sensitive and respectful to the individual's experience and highlights the impact of your organisation's work.

  • Share the case study with stakeholders in a way that is respectful to the individual's privacy and dignity.

  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your approach to collecting and sharing case studies and identify areas for improvement.

  • Continuously improve your approach to collecting and sharing case studies to ensure that they are non-tokenistic, respectful, and impactful.

Examples in Practice

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