7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact
Train your team to measure Social Value as an employer of people with convictions
Equip your team with an introduction to measuring your Social Value as an employer of people with convictions, laying the groundwork for a more in-depth analysis with the help of expert partners.
What does success look like?
Team understanding of basic Social Value measurement
Preparedness for in-depth Social Value analysis with expert partners
Enhanced ability to showcase your organisation's Social Value.
How would Offploy do it?
Provide your team with foundational training on Social Value concepts, focusing on their relevance to employing people with convictions. See: Social Value Training & Events - Social Value Courses and SROI Training (socialvalueuk.org)
Introduce relevant frameworks and tools for measuring Social Value, such as Social Return on Investment (SROI) or the Outcomes Star.
Encourage team collaboration to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect your organisation's Social Value as an employer of people with convictions.
Establish a process for regular data collection and analysis, enabling your team to monitor and evaluate your organisation's Social Value impact.
Prepare your team to effectively communicate your organisation's Social Value to stakeholders, enhancing your reputation and showcasing your commitment to inclusive employment practices. See: Social value – achieving community benefits | Local Government Association
Examples in Practice
Nothing to see here... yet.
We're still putting the finishing touches on our new Employing With Conviction Guide.