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Lockdown Pt. 2: Offploy's key points


  • Colleagues will not be required to furlough in the second lockdown as they are set up to work from home

  • Colleagues are no longer encouraged to meet candidates in the community whilst the lockdown is in place. Face to face contact is not absolutely essential during the lockdown. We will look at starting to phase back in face to face delivery at the end of the lockdown period (currently set at 2nd December - subject to change)

  • Can all colleagues with a caseload please reach out to their caseloads to let them know they can still access Offploy’s services (remotely) throughout the lockdown. Please let them know we are here for them and that we are a friendly voice during these uncertain times

  • Please reassure any probation officers or work coaches that we will still be delivering remotely (only if they reach out to you first - Director of Service will also be communicating with commissioners officially)

  • Candidates are likely to have more time on their hands. When they are not speaking with you, please try to give them some clear independent tasks to complete linked to their current action plan

  • Please reach out to your buddies and your line manager during this time. It is important that we continue to communicate with one another and check in with each other. Let’s stick together and keep our spirits high


  • Candidates will access our services remotely until further notice

  • Candidates will be encouraged to complete Offploy-related activities independently between appointments to stay busy and active

  • Face to face contact will be deemed non essential to limit the risk of spreading the virus - this will be reviewed once we have an end date for the lockdown


  • The Director of Service will reach out to all commissioners ahead of Thursday to let them know that Offploy will still be delivering its services throughout the lockdown, but we will delay any further face-to-face contact at least the end of this lockdown period

  • Commissioners will be informed that no Offploy colleagues will be furloughed during the second lockdown

  • Commissioners will be sent an up-to-date recovery plan which will set out delayed plans for Offploy to resume face to face delivery

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