Our newest volunteer, Bhav, was referred to us via Leeds Probation Service in September 2019 and joined our service shortly after, in November. Bhav came to us with a wealth of knowledge and lived experience, which he transferred to his new volunteer role, supporting Offploy’s mission to reduce reoffending and make society safer. Offploy thrive on working with volunteers within our service who have lived experience. Through the eyes of a candidate, working with someone who has been through the same experience as themselves, is incredibly valued.
Bhav has previous customer service experience and has been able to demonstrate this in his role with us.
“Bhav has excellent customer service skills and from the start, offered to volunteer with Offploy. He has shown great interest in helping people” Donna York, Regional Service Lead for Leeds.
Within two weeks of volunteering with Offploy, Bhav demonstrated an incredible work ethic by attending Park Place and Eastgate Jobcentres, promoting our service. The first candidate club launched in Leeds on the 5th of December and will be continuing to run along-side the advice sessions and employability course. Bhav has since been attending all sessions, organised by Offploy for the candidates, and has been getting fully involved and truly fulfilling his role.

“I'm really looking forward to working with the Leeds Offploy team and my role will involve helping out at the Leeds Job Centres, the Candidate Clubs and on the Employability course” Bhav, Leeds volunteer.
Bhav is still on his own journey, whilst volunteering with Offploy he is continuing to search for his any job, better job, career. We will continue to support Bhav and our candidates, into meaningful, mentored and sustainable employment.