On the 19th October 2018, a range of employment brokers for people with criminal convictions met for the inaugural Ministry of Justice Employment Broker’s Forum at the MoJ headquarters in London.
The forum saw the meeting of like-minded organisations from all over the country interested in finding a way to work closer with each other and the Ministry of Justice to place more people with criminal convictions into employment.
The forum all agreed that despite different approaches to employment from all members, the bottom line was that we all wanted to help people turn away from crime.
The day, chaired by Jane Gould - CEO of Clean Sheet, saw members of the forum share their challenges and opportunities.
One key challenge expressed by many members was access to funding to support their organisations to continue delivering the valuable work they do. A few ideas around collaboration and partnerships have been shared between members since the meeting.
As a social enterprise, Offploy is keen to strike a balance between private and public funding to ensure we offer good value for money to our commissioners and deliver a quality service to our candidates. Working collaboratively with members of the MoJ Employment Broker’s Forum we are now sharing innovative ways to ensure we operate sustainable organisations that support as many people as possible.
On the day there was a resounding positive that employers appear to be more open than ever to recruit people with criminal convictions.

This can be seen by the 100 businesses that have signed up to ‘ban the box’ and more employers like our partners addressing the UK talent shortage by actively encouraging people with convictions to join their organisation.