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Equal Opportunities and Clear Feedback: Offploy's Plan to Boost Employee Development

At Offploy, we believe that a happy and engaged team is the key to our success 🔑.

Our recent colleague engagement survey results have shown that the majority of our colleagues enjoy working with us 😊, and we couldn't be more chuffed! With 92.5% of our colleagues either strongly agreeing or agreeing to our questions, we are proud to maintain a high level of satisfaction within our team.

We saw a total of 13/16 completed surveys this time.

The feedback we received highlights our strengths in providing a flexible working model, encouraging colleagues to manage their workload, and fostering a culture of trust and support. Additionally, our strong communication and commitment to well-being were also recognised by our team members.

🥳While we celebrate these positive results, we also recognise the areas where we can improve.

In response to the feedback, we will be focusing on providing clearer feedback for development, ensuring equal opportunities to progress 📈, and reviewing our benefits. Our dedication to continuous improvement ensures that Offploy remains a brilliant place to work.

Leah Burgess, Wellbeing Champion at Offploy, says, "These surveys play a vital role in fostering a healthy and productive work environment. The honest and insightful feedback from our colleagues helps us identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. At Offploy, we're committed to taking actionable steps based on this feedback, ensuring that our team continues to grow, thrive, and deliver exceptional services to our clients. By prioritising employee engagement and wellbeing, we're cultivating a culture where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential."

We are grateful for the honesty and insights shared by our colleagues in this survey 🙏.

Their feedback helps us to grow and evolve as an organisation, and we are committed to taking action on the points raised 🚀. We believe that by working together, we can make Offploy an even better place to work, and ensure a bright future for our team members and the communities we serve 🌟.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey 🙌, and here's to another year of growth, success, and happiness at Offploy! 🎊

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